Hi Readers,
As a rule, I stay away from political issues on my blog. I'm a romance author.I like to blog about my books, my family, my pets and stay out of politics. But this morning's official announcement that there will be no raise in Jan. for our disabled and elderly, not only disgusts me with our current govt., but it makes me sick as well!
What the hell?
Our govt. can finance a war that's like the Energizer Bunny that just keeps going on and on. It can spend billions on a space station that only God knows why we need it up there in the first place. It can provide millions of the taxpayer's bucks to bail out banks, etc. It can provide all types of benefits for
illegal aliens., and hell, what else am I missing?, but it can't give a fifty dollar a year raise to the disabled and retired of our country? What's wrong with this picture?
Huh...How many raises has Congress, the Senate and every other
thing we now have in the White House been given the last year? How many trips do we, as tax payers, pay for, for these same elected officials to carry on their illicit affairs, candle-lit dinners, hotel rooms, air fares, trips overseas to meet with their illicit affair, another golf course...again, I ask, am I missing anything here? I'm trying hard not to.
No wonder people want to throw a Tea Party...I say Go For It!